For the first time our Institute took the leadership of the European Territorial Cooperation project! The SUBMARINER is the first attempt in the Baltic Sea Region towards enforcement of the economic potential of our region through sustainable uses of marine resources
SUBMARINER- Sustainable Uses of the Baltic Sea Marine Resources
SUBMARINER provides the necessary basis for the Baltic Sea Region to take a proactive approach to improving the future condition of its marine resources and the economies that depend on them.
Growing Transport, new installations, fishery declines, severe marine pollution with excessive nutrient input and the effects of the climate change to mention a few of the challenges the Baltic Sea Region faces today. Inability to confront the challenges and to find a clear sense on the future direction is however, a serious threat for the marine environment as the pressure on it continues to grow. Even the threats are severe and challenges great, the future may not look that bleak at all. Indeed, with the help of the newest technologies and growing knowledge, it is possible to confront the challenges and provide opportunities for new uses of marine ecosystems. The innovations within the fields of technology and science can indeed give us means to cope with the risks and bring positive environmental effects.
If we can steer the future development towards these uses, we are perhaps able proactively to improve the state of the ecosystem and to promote the sustainable economies. However, the innovative uses and technologies have not been tested sufficiently within the fragile conditions of the Baltic Sea, thus their cumulative effects on the environment; economic feasibility and regional applicability are not yet fully understood.
Hence, it is difficult for the decision makers to take a stock of the most desirable marine uses and how they should be promoted while discouraging potentially harmful ones. Thus, here the project Submariner comes into the picture. Submariner lays the groundwork for the furthering of these environmentally friendly and economically attractive innovative uses within the BSR. Overall, the project also contributes to the aim of BSR to become the model region for sustainable sea management.
Aims of the project:
The overall objective of the Submariner is to contribute to the improvement of the environmental conditions and to foster the economic development of the BSR by promoting the innovative and sustainable marine uses.
Goals and Activities:
- To select “the best possible” future uses: undertake a comprehensive investigation of future uses and an overall inventory of potentially new uses, their chances within the Baltic Sea environment, economic and environmental impact assessments, gaps and obstacles in the legal framework, technology aspects and a multi-perspective evaluation
- To promote “the best possible” future uses: develop economic / legal policy instruments, support programmes / structures, stimulate “desired” uses, discourage environmentally damaging uses, develop recommendations to regional, national and transnational programmes and decision-makers.
- To encourage “the best possible” future uses on regional scale: develop concrete plans for the implementation of one or more new uses in the region's future development plans in several regions across the Baltic Sea
- To stimulate cooperation among best possible users: connect currently disjointed constituencies
exchange and cooperation and of course bilateral / trilateral concrete projects
The Project is realized through the cooperation of 19 partners in the following Work Packages (WP):
- WP3: concentrates on building a road map for the BSR in order to make recommendations on necessary policy steps in promoting new uses of marine resources. In the scope of its interests are issues as legal changes, environmental regulations, and economical incentives. Coordinator:Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany
- WP4 aims to create a regional road map to test and put into practise the new uses of marine resources. Coordinator: Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Department of Industrial Ecology (IE), Sweden
- WP5 is responsible for bringing the key players in the region together and building a BSR network including for example business cooperation events, virtual information and exchange platform as well as regional/national seminars on uses of marine resources. Coordinator: ScanBalt, Denmark
The Maritime Institute In Gdańsk, as a lead partner, is responsable for the overall project administration on behalf of all the partners (WP1) and coordinates the activities related to dissemination of project information and results (WP2).
- Maritime Institute in Gdańsk
- Gdańsk Science and Technology Park
- Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
- University of Rostock
- BioCon Valley Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e. V.
- ScanBalt
- Lolland Energy Holding
- Royal Institute of Technology
- The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
- Trelleborg Municipality
- Tallinn University of Technology
- Entrepreneurship Development Centre for Biotechnology & Medicine
- Klaipeda University Coastal Research & Planning Institute
- Klaipeda Science & Technology Park
- The Ministry of the Environment Latvia
- Environmental Development Association
- Finnish Environment Institute