Maritime Institute in Gdansk, the Lead Partner of the PartiSEApate project, in cooperation withthe Institute of Marine Research in Bergen and Swedish Water Management Agency, kindly invites all interested parties for the Workshop:
Spatial Planning implications of Aquaculture
as a new use in the Baltic Sea
as a new use in the Baltic Sea
which will be held in Gdansk, Poland on April 15-16, 2013.
A forward looking maritime spatial planning (MSP) requires that sufficient space is kept available for possible new types of marine uses. Projects like SUBMARINER, AQUABESTand AQUAFIMAare currently analysing the potential of new marine resource uses such as reed for bioenergy, algae and mussel cultivation, fish mariculture and wave energy. This workshop will identify the spatial planning implications of those new uses, i.e. overall space needed, specific locations, and conflicts and synergies with other uses.
Register for the aquaculture workshop.
Click here to download the agenda.
In case you have further questions please contact:
Ms. Joanna Przedrzymirska,, mobile: +48 607 863 588 or
Ms. Iwona Rakowska,, mobile: +48 507 832 426