Maritime Institute Spatial Planning implications of Aquaculture as a new use in the Baltic Sea

Spatial Planning implications of Aquaculture as a new use in the Baltic Sea

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On 15th and16th April2013 in Gdansk the workshop about “Spatial Planning implications of Aquaculture as a new use in the Baltic Sea" was held. The event wasorganized bythe Maritime Institutein Gdansk, as thelead partnerof the PartiSEApateproject realized within theBaltic Sea Region Programme2017-1013.

The meeting brought together42 participantsfrom theBaltic Sea Region. Delegates heardinteresting presentationsof experts fromabroad whoshared theirexperience ofthe widerissues ofaquaculture. Then,a workshop was held, during which an attempt was madeto find answersto the following questions:

a) What are the general expectations, hopes and fears of aquaculture towards MSP?

b) How much space and what type of space should be reserved for aquaculture in the BSR (separately for different types of aquaculture like plants and fish)?

c) With which other uses shall aquaculture look for joint solutions in form of separa-tion or coexistence? Whatcould be possiblesolutions for spatialconflicts?

d) With whom should the aquaculture sector talk in a cross-sectoral dialogue?

Results of the discussionswill becompiledin a reportthat, after consultation with the participants ofthe workshop will bepublishedon the PartiSEApate project website.

We encourage youto read theworkshop’s presentations.

Opportunitiesforexpandingaquaculture in the BSR – An overview
- Frank Neudörfer

Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture – Thierry Chopin

Practical example of running an aquaculture in the Baltic Sea Region - Tim Staufenberger

Baltic Sea Farming an industry perspective - Karl Iver Dahl-Madsen and Lisbeth Jess Plesner

Achieving Blue Growth in Aquaculture through Maritime Spatial Planning
- Koen Van den Bossche

MSP: principles and future developments in relation to aquaculture - Axel Wenblad

Aquaculture site selection plan in Finland – Timo Mäkinen

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