Maritime Institute Baltic Maritime Spatial Planning Forum

Baltic Maritime Spatial Planning Forum


Maritime Institute in Gdańsk as the lead partner of PartiSEAparte project invite you to the Baltic Maritime Spatial Planning Forum 17th – 18th June, 2014 in Riga, Latvia.

VASAB together with the PartiSEApate project would herewith like to invite you to the Baltic Maritime Spatial Planning Forum - PartiSEApate Conference which will take place on 17th – 18th June, 2014 in Riga, Latvia.

The forum shall serve as a platform for discussions among those involved and affected by Maritime Spatial Planning on how to further develop and enhance MSP in the Baltic Sea Region.



Practical information

Registration deadline is 27 May 2014. Please note that only first 200 participants will be registered.

More information can be found here.


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