Maritime Institute Smart Blue Regions Project

Smart Blue Regions Project


Projekt Smart Blue Regions

Smart Blue Regions Project
Consultation Seminar
of Blue Growth Stakeholders
18.07.2017 Gdańsk

Within the framework of the project Smart Blue Regions, Maritime Institute in Gdańsk together with Pomorskie in the EU Association organised Consultation Seminar of Blue Growth Stakeholders. The invitation to the meeting was sent to members of the partnership of the Pomorskie maritime smart specialisation and members of the Association of Polish Maritime Industries Forum Okrętowe. The seminar was attended by 4 people, representing the following sectors: biotechnology, seaports, shipbuilding and marine clusters.
The purpose of the meeting was to verify by stakeholders the database (prepared within the project) of entities operating in the maritime industry in the regions participating in the project. The database of entities was depicted in the form of maps, presenting potential in particular sectors:
  • Machinery & Technology
  • Life Science & Blue Medicine
  • Energy
The second goal of the seminar was to identify potential topics and areas in which participants would like to establish international co-operation. Interested in establishing such cooperation will be invited by the SBR project to participate in the conference of SUBMARINER Network for Blue Growth EEIG (27-28.09.2017), to be held in Berlin on which the results of these consultations will also be presented. Potential co-operation can be concluded within any EU financial program.

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Smart Blue Regions Project

SUBMARINER Network Conference


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